Pentecost; tongues of fire; a strong driving wind; frightened
men gaining the courage and the power to speak boldly; the
people were astounded and amazed! Wow!
Who is this Holy Spirit that filled the apostles with such
power on Pentecost? Where do we find the
driving wind and the tongues of fire in our world? How can we harness this power to transform
our lives and our world as the apostles did after Pentecost?
The Holy Spirit is alive and well in our world and in our
parish. On our Christ Renews His Parish
or CRHP weekend last month, through the power of the Holy Spirit, several men
had life changing experiences.
After the weekend, Jerry, a member of
our parish, wrote: “On Saturday night, I
was telling Jim about my crazy experiences with religion. How growing up I had
been to about every type of Protestant service you can think of – from Anglican
to Pentecostal tent revivals. I never knew Catholicism until I got married. Oh,
I had studied its history and studied about the Reformation and the spawning of
the protestant churches, but I hadn’t experienced it in action. Now, after 31 years of sitting on the
sidelines observing, I’ve decided it’s time to get in the game.”
John, who came with his friend Scott all the way from
Morristown Tennessee, wrote: “The Lord touched us in a very special way, and
thanks to all of you we experienced the power of the Holy Spirit. Through all
of you we saw the Lord working. Scott
and I would be humbled to be part of the next group of witnesses. While we live
in Morristown and it is a long distance, if we have faith and allow the Holy
Spirit to do his work, he will help us find a way. With your help and with the Holy Spirit, we
hope to bring CRHP to our parish in Morristown.”
How do we experience the Holy Spirit working in our lives? Have we ever witnessed the power of the Holy
Spirit like these men did on their CRHP weekend? If you haven’t met the Holy Spirit, you don’t
know what you are missing. And if you
have experienced this but have lost the fire of your faith, it is time to get
it back. All of us have opportunities to
experience the power of the Holy Spirit many times in our lives. It may be at an adoration hour, mass, a
baptism or a first communion, a death of someone close to us or even listening
to a homily. At these times, we can
develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy
Spirit. Through the Holy Spirit, our
faith can move from our head to our heart.
And then, we won’t just know about Jesus, we will feel him in our
heart. And the Holy Spirit is yearning
to touch each of us in a special way. He
wants to impact our day to day decisions which shape who we are. He wants to guide us and to influence
everything about our lives. For, if the Holy Spirit isn’t guiding us, the
devil is more than willing to take over.
The Holy Spirit has influenced my life many times. Some of these had a big impact on me and some
were very small. I’m sure that there
have been many times when he has influenced my life and I didn’t even realize
it. Recently, I made plans to vacation
in Gatlinburg Tennessee shortly after the CRHP weekend. At the time, I didn’t know that several men
who would attend that weekend would come from Morristown Tennessee, about an
hour from Gatlinburg. A little over a week ago, I met with John and
Scott in Tennessee who are on fire with the Holy Spirit. Now, they are members of our giving team and
are making plans to start CHRP at St Patrick’s in Morristown next year. It’s amazing how the Holy Spirit works. Some people call these coincidences but I
consider them to be God-incidences; the Holy Spirit working in my life.
So now, I ask all of you to reflect over the next few minutes
on the message that you are hearing in your heart. Is the Holy Spirit calling you to pray more
often? Is he asking you to evangelize
others or maybe just to be a friend by helping others? Is he calling you to the sacrament of reconciliation
where you can wipe the slate clean? Is
he telling you to have a heart to heart talk with someone you love; your
parent, your child, or your spouse. Or
is he just asking you to rest in the peace and joy of Christ’s love? Whatever your message is, make sure that it
comes from the Holy Spirit and then embrace it.
Do not be afraid. Few of us will experience
a strong wind or tongues of fire.
Let us pray. Come Holy
Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in us the fire of your
love. Send forth your Spirit and we
shall be created and You shall renew the face of the earth. Amen.