In today's
Gospel, Jesus cured the beggar of his blindness. Many people were familiar with the beggar who
was at the city gate. So, they were
surprised when suddenly he could see.
This miracle caused disagreement about who this Jesus was. The Pharisees said this man Jesus is not from
God. But the beggar said he is a prophet
Our eyesight
is very important to us and most of us see pretty well. I wouldn't be able to read the Gospel and
this homily if I didn't see well. But it
is only important during our short lifetime here on earth, maybe 100 years.
But, what
about our spiritual eyesight? This
impacts our eternal life - forever and ever.
Do we know Jesus and his church?
Do we believe the truths that Jesus and his church teaches? Even the hard truths?
Jesus cured
the spiritual eyesight of the beggar. The
beggar said: "I do believe, Lord."
Our spiritual eyesight, on the
other hand, probably has a number of blind spots. There might be some areas where we always
follow His commandments and fully understand the teachings of Jesus' church. For example, we might not have any problem
with the seventh commandment "Thou shalt not steal" because we don't
have any interest in stealing. But,
there probably are other commandments and teachings which we struggle with and
maybe even tend to ignore. These are our
spiritual blind spots. Many struggle with the sixth commandment "Thou
shalt not commit adultery" and how it impacts our lives. We might agree with some teachings of the
church in the area of human sexuality but disagree with others.
Our blind
spots are likely areas where the secular world and Jesus' church disagree. We hear day in and day out what the secular
world (that is, the devil) is saying. Eventually,
after being brainwashed by movies, TV, sports figures, politicians, and even
our friends, we bend our beliefs to match theirs. One blind spot for many Catholics is contraception. In fact, the majority of Catholics reject this
teaching of Jesus' church and agree with our society. Some would say "How can artificial
contraception be wrong, everybody does it, our church needs to get with the
For many
years, I had a blind spot in this area. For many years, I followed the teachings of the church based
upon obedience but not trust. This
worked fine for me until I was in my early thirties. Then, after we had our fourth child with our oldest
just 6 1/2, I seriously questioned the church's teaching on contraception. I thought: surely the church doesn't expect
me to have a lot more children. How am I
going to send them all to college? How
is my wife going to take care of all of them while I am trying to pay the ever
increasing bills? In short, I was
following my plan for life and things seemed to be falling apart. I was blinded by my pride and just couldn't
see that I was wrong and needed to let go and let God - to trust in Him.
over the next few months, with my wife's help, I began to pray and to study on
this topic. My wife and I took some
natural family planning classes and we began to understand and to accept the
teachings of the church. Eventually, we
were moved by the Holy Spirit to have another child.
Truly, with
the help of the Holy Spirit, I was able to embrace this difficult Church
teaching. I swallowed my pride and
humbly decided to trust Jesus and his church with our childbearing.
In the
movie, A Few Good Men, Jack Nickelson says
to Tom Cruise "You can't handle the truth!" I think that would apply to me during my
struggles with contraception and to many Catholics today. We have been blinded. We just can't handle the truth because we
have accepted our society's lies.
How do we
improve our spiritual eyesight? It takes
time. It doesn't happen overnight. We need an infusion of grace and the power of
the Holy Spirit.
Deacon Ralph
talked about this at our recent mission.
We need to repent of our sins. We
need to get to know Jesus and his church through prayer, scripture study and
the sacraments, especially the Eucharist. And we need fellowship with other Catholics
on the journey. We should join a small
group of men and women and share our spiritual journeys with each other. We are all in this together. It is a difficult road that we travel but the
reward, eternal life with the father, is well worth the effort.
Who are you
following - Jesus towards eternal life or satan, the prince of the world,
towards eternal death? It's your choice
and Jesus will respect your free will, your choice.
Let us pray: O Christ Jesus, when all is darkness and we feel our weakness and
helplessness, give us the sense of Your presence, Your love, and Your strength.
Help us to have perfect trust in Your protecting love and strengthening power,
so that nothing may frighten or worry us, for, living close to You, we shall
see Your hand, Your purpose, Your will through all things. Amen
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